At the December 2019 full Faculty meeting our FoHS Dean, Simon Handley, reflected on the great achievements in the 10 years since the inception of the Faculty of Human Sciences. Below are some extracts and interesting facts from the meeting.

FoHS came into being in 2009 with Professor Janet Greely as the founding Dean. Professor Richard Henry took over as interim Dean until the arrival of Simon Handley in 2014 with his strategic vision to Inspire, Engage and Transform.

Faculty Facts (since 2009) ….


  • 80 Faculty Board meetings
  • 224 EAC’s (Executive Advisory Group meetings)
  • 77 Associate Dean meetings
  • 100 Head of department meetings
  • 29 Examination meetings


  • 1,002 researchers trained, including 240 completions in the Master of Research
  • 8,618 undergraduate awards delivered
  • 6,826 postgraduate awards delivered


  • 185 successful ARC grants which resulted in a total of $92,268,329
  • 117 successful NHMRC grants totalling $31,682,149
  • A total of 1,642 successful research awards overall resulting in $197,490,391
  • 14 DECRAs
  • 77 Discovery Projects
  • 9 Future Fellows
  • 3 Laureate Fellowships
  • 21 Linkages
  • 1 Centre of excellence
  • $43m HERDC income earned over the last 5 years

Things we gave to the world:

  • Idealab
  • Bachelor of Human Sciences
  • Centre for Elite Performance, Expertise & Training
  • MindSpot
  • Physiotherapy
  • Speech & Hearing Clinic
  • Psychology Clinic
  • Smell Lab
  • Simulation Hub
  • The Academy
  • The Australian Hearing Hub
  • Centre of excellence in Cognition and its Disorders
  • The MEG x 3
  • Centre for Emotional Health
  • Reading Clinic

Award for the Most Outstanding Dean EVER!

Linda Schofield, Faculty general Manager, presented Simon with the award for the most outstanding Dean ever. Our much loved Dean received a giant trophy and a standing ovation from all the faculty staff present at the meeting.

“Simon has led us through significant change with enormous integrity, with candour and courage, humour, respesct and great wisdom. He is truly a great leader.” (Linda S)


Thanks to Judy Lawrie and Linda Schofield for the facts and figures for this post.

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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